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Austin Bridges Therapy control feelings of overwhelm and anxiety

6 Major symptoms of anxiety disorders

Are you experiencing anxiety? Are there any situations in your life which lead to anxiety-like job change, financial problems, etc?

If your answer to any of this question is yes, then there might be some symptoms that you may be noticing.

Anxiety therapist Austin, Tx describes these symptoms to aware all those who are under anxiety but can’t recognize it.

Excessive worrying:

This is one of the common symptoms of anxiety disorder. It is commonly witnessed that many people worry a lot about any matter, to the extreme level. This kind of nature depicts that they have an anxiety disorder. This extreme level of worrying interferes in completing daily tasks. This kind of symptom is majorly found in folks below 65 years of age.


You might be wondering that how restlessness can be the symptom of anxiety disorder. This is mainly seen in children and teens. If restlessness remains for more than 6 months, then it should never be ignored as it could be the sign of anxiety disorder.

Less concentration:

Therapist Austin of anxiety disorder believes that folks, who are experiencing difficulty in concentration, are more prone towards having an anxiety disorder. I have witnessed this on a personal level as well.


If anyone is found to be irritated often, then it can be assumed that he/she is suffering from an anxiety disorder. A middle-aged person who is having so many responsibilities from professional and personal lives may feel irritated all the time. This is a clear sign of an anxiety disorder.

Trouble falling asleep:

Do you experience that you don’t get enough sleep or whenever you try to fall asleep, you find it hard to sleep? These are the symptoms of anxiety. Your mind is wandering somewhere due to which it becomes difficult to fall asleep. Insomnia and anxiety are closely related to each other.

Panic attacks:

This is another symptom of an anxiety disorder. Panic attacks create a sensation of fear which is accompanied by increased heartbeat, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, nausea, chest tightness, and fear of dying. If anyone is suffering from a frequent panic attack, then it is the sign of panic disorder as described during anxiety counseling in Austin.

If you want to know more about anxiety and anxiety treatment in Austin, Tx, visit austinbridgestherapy where you will be guided and treated for all your anxiety problems.





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