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(919) 899-1313

More About Austin Bridges, LPC

Austin Bridges, Licensed Professional Counselor, with almost 10 years of experience specializing in anxiety disorders, OCD, trauma, and PTSD. Austin’s approach to therapy is rooted in client-centered care, tailoring treatment to meet the unique needs of each individual.
Drawing from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT), Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Austin incorporates a diverse range of modalities to provide effective and personalized therapy.
What sets Austin apart is a commitment to individualized treatment. With Austin, clients can expect a person-centered approach, ensuring that they are not treated as just another number. Each therapy session is tailored to the specific needs, goals, and strengths of the client, with a focus on the positive power of individual responsibility, fostering a collaborative and supportive therapeutic relationship.
Austin Bridges, LPC
Austin’s expertise extends to EMDR and he’s recognized as a Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional. These trainings and certifications highlight a dedication to staying current with the latest research and techniques in the field of therapy.
Austin’s primary goal is to facilitate significant progress in a short amount of time. From the very first meeting, clients can expect to gain valuable insights and practical tools they can use immediately. By prioritizing tangible results and empowering clients with effective coping strategies, Austin ensures that every therapy session is impactful and meaningful.
Discover a therapeutic experience that values your uniqueness and is driven by your personal growth. Reach out to Austin Bridges to embark on a transformative journey towards improved well-being and lasting change.